About Me

Introduction & Core Values

My name is Cameron Trumpy. I am a College Freshman at the University of Michigan, and I plan on Majoring in Computer Engineering. I am passionate about many subjects including programming, hardware design, vehicle electrification, music, etc! I believe that when engineers design hardware and software, we have a responsiblity to create in a way that brings about a world more equitable and inclusive for all, regardless of background, identity, etc. This takes many different forms depending on the type of work being done, but should always be a priority.

My Engineering Journey

My engineering journey began in series with my robotics experience, when I started my own Lego NXT robot group in elementary school. I continued this interest when I was old enough to join a small FLL Lego robotics team. At a young age, Lego block programming introduced me to the fundamentals of object oriented programming, and shortly after I was introduced to Java. Since then, I have spent every year participating in FIRST Robotics, and in my senior year I was one of two programming group leads on my high school's robotics team. I believe FIRST is an exemplary organization in regards to their efforts to make engineering an equitable and inclusive field, and I am extrmely proud to have spent the time I have involved in it.

Skills Summary